design: 2013
fulfillment: 2015
location: Eszterháza area in Fertőd
area size: 2 610m2
architects: Viktor Szentkuti, Dénes Halmai, Csaba Molnár DLA
landscape architects: Edina Massány, Rita Remeczki
photos: Tamás Batár
The Puppet Theatre – Orange House – Water Tower Complex won Construction Industry Award in 2016, ICOMOS award in 2014 and Media Architecture Award in 2013. The area was awarded by MÉSZ in 2017.
description: : According to designs by M Architect, construction phase I. and II. of the building complex was completed by 2013, directly preceding the completion of phase III. in 2015. The final phase included the reconstruction of the Land Agent building, as well as the re-building of the ground floor dwelling – formerly a junction between the Orange House and the Small Manor, which had been previously dismantled. A parking lot has been constructed on the street-front of the newly re-built East dwelling. The most important task during the design process has been the construction of an ornamental garden that is suitable for a monumental setting, and functionally adequate, which would serve as an entrance befitting the historically listed building complex surrounding it. Relying upon archaeological research, the reconstruction of the complex required the lowering of the ground level in the inner yard to match the original Baroque-era floor level, as well as to allow its structure to accommodate touristic functions. The thus implemented square enables traffic for temporary passer-bys, but also provides resting surfaces for longer-staying audiences. The yard is suitable for hosting outdoor events and the placement of a temporary stage, and the benches can be easily relocated. The crown element of the yard is the fountain, located in the intersection of the North-South and the East-West entrance axis, which is framed by Boxwood and benches from the East and West. As the emphatic counterpoint of the fountain serves the preserved aged Empress tree. In front of the Puppet Theatre front, a wide lawn area has been implemented, adequate for sitting and relaxation. This lawn strip hosts around a hundred white tulips in springtime.